Rules of discipline

General Rules & Regulations

  • To acquire greater facility with the study of English, English is the medium of instruction and communication in the school premises.
  • Prescribed School Uniform is to be worn on all working days. The Uniform must be clean and tidy. Otherwise, the pupil is liable to be denied attendance in the class.
  • The pupils are requested to wear the prescribed Uniform as per the direction of the school authority.
  • Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, conducts injurious to the moral tone of the school, and after having given several warnings, justify dismissal at any time of the year with or without prior notification to the parents.
  • No act of indiscipline insubordination, interference in the administration, disrespect to any religion or community shall be tolerated and the delinquent may even be expelled from the school.
  • Misbehavior, cruelty towards other children, irregular attendance, disobedience or disrespect to teachers, habitual idleness, stealing etc. are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of pupils from the school.
  • Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. The school does not take any responsibility in any case of damage or loss of the same.
  • The school cannot be held responsible for the accident, minor/serious, to pupil during their stay in the school or while taking part in sports, co-curricular activities within or outside the school premises.
  • Any damage done to the school property must be made good by the pupils concerned.
  • Chalk is never allowed to be taken from the class room to be used for any purpose except for writing on the blackboard and that to with the permission of the teacher concerned.
  • Stealing and forging signature are serious faults and those found guilty are liable to severe punishment, even if it took place off the school premises.
  • Strict silence and great reverence are expected from the students during assembly, prayer time, class time and singing. Any misbehavior will not be tolerated.
  • Each student is personally responsible for keeping the school clean and taking care of the furniture. None is allowed to scribble on the furniture, wall, blackboard, etc.
  • Any communication made by the parents should be addressed to the principal, not to the class teacher.
  • No pupil shall leave the school premises without the permission of the Headmaster/Principal.
  • or the well being and smooth running of the school, the authorities may ask the parents/guardians to withdraw his ward/child from the school without assigning any reason.