Educational Values

General Code & Conduct

  • Every student is expected to be punctual, smart, humble, honest, truthful, gentle and kind to others in school and out of the school.
  • Disrespect to teachers, elders or visitors and misconduct of any sort will be severely dealt with. Every Student must respect parents and elders.
  • Students should practice polite way talking using”Thank you”, “Excuse me”, “Sorry”, “Please”, “May I like to have” etc. No case of misbehavior will be tolerated. It is compulsory for all the students to converse in English, failure in which may be punished or fined.
  • Students should not indulge in talking loud or loitering in the school while the classes are in progress.
  • The behavior of the students of senior classes must be exemplary to the other students.
  • No collection of money and the use of the same is allowed by the students without the consent of the school authorities.
  • The property of the School should be handled properly. The cost of any damage done to the property will be recovered from the student/students involved.
  • Let us greet teachers and each other appropriately suiting to the time and occasion.
  • Work with all your classmates and teachers to achieve optimal outcomes.
  • Students must not to leave the classroom without permission by teachers.
  • Maintain silence and be attentive in your class. You are to be seated in your own respective seat and not to move around.
  • Aim at full attendance and unfailing punctuality. Avoid leave; if not submit authorized leave application.
  • Avoid using foul and abusive languages in the class room, if found so appropriate action will be taken.
  • Keep your class room neat and clean. Always use dustbins.
  • Textbooks and exercise books are to be brought according to daily routine. School diary shall be maintained every day.
  • Uniform must be worn neat and clean every day without fail.
  • Any assignments (class work, homework or project work) to be submitted as per the stipulated time set by the subject teacher. Failing so will be reported to the Principal.
  • Everyone must participate in any class room activities when demanded.
  • You should always be ready with your books in the class before the subject teacher enters the room.
  • Class monitors should prepare the board work for every week.
  • Cooperate with your monitors and maintain discipline.
  • Do not leave the class room or school premises without prior permission.
  • Take care of school property. This is your second home. If found damaging the school properties, adequate repair shall be done by the pupil(s) concerned.
  • Converse in English. Encourage your friends to do the same.
  • Keep the classroom clean and neat at all times.
  • Consumption of food and sweet drinks are strictly not allowed in the classroom.
  • Show consideration to others by keeping the noise level low.
  • Update the class notice boards regularly.
  • Use of all forms of electronic gadgets is prohibited unless they are required for lessons, e.g. calculators for Maths and Electronic Dictionaries.